Friday, February 13, 2009

Movies now days...

Is it me or most of the new movies are just a shitty squeals to shitty movies? The directors have no cool ideas for the movies so they just say something like "...OK lets make another sequel make some money, since we cannot come up with something new..."

Few examples : "Saw" 5 parts, X-men 3 parts and next one coming May, Spider-men 3 parts and probably next coming soon, " The Punisher" 2 parts, first one was bad and this one was even worst, Star Wars : Clone Wars... worst Star Wars movie ever made, "Hellboy" first one was not bad, but second was, lets say ass, "Alien Vs Predator" ( Never Ending Saga) and the list goes on...

Now days every movie has at least 2-5 squeals that are not even that good, but people still go and watch them, then give their personal review on it "that movie was shitty." or " I want my $10 back." Well quess what you ain't going to see that $10 anymore...

Why Directors can't make good movies like they used too, few examples : "The Gladiator", "V-for-Vendetta", "300", "Deer Hunter", " The Bank Job", "Traitor", "Children of Men", " Lord of War", " The Last Samurai" I'm not saying to make sequels to them, but to make movies as good as the mention above were... Am I asking for too much?

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